Clarys Tirel

22 Manor Rd. E.
Toronto, ON M4S 1P8


Clarys has always had a love of Horses. Growing up she enjoyed the privilege of having family members who owned horses; horses and the countryside were part of her weekends and summers. As a teenager, she was a passionate rider and, as a young adult, she had her own horse for several years. More recently, she has reconnected with her love of horses to train as a FEEL facilitator.

Professionally, Clarys started her career as a social worker, completing her Masters in Social Work and working for many years with people dealing with mental health issues. She eventually moved to management positions working in a range of roles in the mental health and primary care systems. She has a Masters in Health Administration and is a member in good standing with the Canadian College of Health Leaders.

Throughout her life, Clarys has always had a sense of curiosity and adventure. She has lived in many provinces, from Newfoundland to British Columbia as well as Northern Manitoba. She is interested in people and Nature. Her connection with Nature has been central to her health and wellbeing. She lived on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, for many years where her love of the ocean and the natural world took her on many trips leading to wonderful discoveries and trips around the province enjoying the outdoors.

Central to her life also has been her interest in self- development and spiritual learning. She studied integrated body psychotherapy as a part of her own personal growth and desire to better understand the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection.

Reconnecting with Horses and completing the FEEL training have been the natural next steps in Clarys’ journey. The FEEL program has brought together her love and respect for Horses, her curiosity and compassion for people and her love of Nature.

Clarys works with people dealing with life transitions of all sorts; managing a change in circumstances, career changes, losses or unexpected events, any challenges that may invite reflection and a new approach to Life.

For more information, Clarys can be reached at


FEEL Training Program

Now taking registrations for June 2016

Horse Spirit Connections
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