Dr. Sophie Taillibert

St-Sauveur, QC
Whatsapp: +971 56 464 0177


Neuro-oncologist & Certified FEEL® Facilitator 


Allowing The Hidden Wisdom Of The Horse To Enter Our Life 

Uncover and Unleash Our Inner Power 

Here and Now: Heal Our Life 

Dr. Sophie Taillibert’s goal as a certified FEEL® facilitator is to combine her strong medical experience to an integrative approach in which the horses, within an Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning frame (EFL), are placed at the center of individuals and patients’ experience. 

All along with her medical academic career in Pitié-Salpétrière Teaching – University Hospital in Paris, Sophie enjoyed combining simultaneously her daily clinical practice, with teaching and research activities. Developing a strong therapeutic bond with her patients, transmitting her knowledge to medical students, residents, nurses and creating sustainable hope in her research activities provided her with a source of permanent stimulation and self-renewal. 

Nevertheless, each passing day brought her more awareness than allopathic medicine in the way it is practiced these days is a recurrent source of frustration when facing challenges such as mental, neurologic diseases and cancer. Despite constant progress through active research, many aspects of patients’ distress are not addressed. 

Sophie is convinced that a more integrative and holistic approach is needed to support patients to access their own self-healing capacities. 

After meeting Danielle Leduc, a certified FEEL® facilitator and trainer, at her stable in Quebec, Canada, in 2018, Sophie decided to become herself a facilitator. Danielle’s “Messenger Horses” instantaneously operated their magic on Sophie, showing through their ancestral wisdom, that they could be the ultimate “Master Healers” of our lives. 

Being offered this unique opportunity to be part of a herd and to facilitate the “way of the Horse”, it is with huge gratitude that Sophie will share this empowering approach with whoever would like to become the healer of his own life. 



FEEL Training Program

Now taking registrations for June 2016

Horse Spirit Connections
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