Mena Canonico

Mono, ON

At 6 years of age, Mena Canonico fell in love with the neighbour’s horses when they moved to a hobby farm on Liberty St. After a traumatic experience with her own horse (Lady) as a teen, and her parents’ divorce not long after, she was disconnected from horses for 25 years.

In 2009, she reconnected to her love of horses through a 15-year-old girl in Florida, who shared that ‘horses saved her life’ and they had many gifts to share with humans. This inspired Mena to make it her mission to overcome her fears in order to help others do the same.

Today, she is a transformational teacher and thought leader who teams up with her dream team of former rescue horses – aka the Freedom Herd – to help people experience more peace of mind, confidence and freedom.

Having come from a corporate background, Mena is particularly passionate about helping mid-life, professional women let go of fear and self-doubt so they can live more authentically and move courageously towards creating a life that aligns with their soul’s calling.

Whether she is leading game-changing workshops, coaching programs or retreats with her horses on a farm north of Toronto – or facilitating profound perspective shifts via phone or online coaching, Mena guides clients through a powerful transformational process.

Designed to help people rapidly reframe and release unresolved trauma and grief at a deep level, the results are more permanent than traditional therapy or coaching. Mena’s clients have released addictions and anti-depressants, quit unfulfilling jobs to launch their dream businesses, left relationships that no longer served, and created lives of meaning and freedom.

She is on a mission to inspire thousands of people around the world to find the treasure in their trauma so they can use the wisdom from those experiences to make the massive impact they were born to make. 

Mono, Ontario (Hockley Valley)



FEEL Training Program

Now taking registrations for June 2016

Horse Spirit Connections
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