Braveheart (aka Encore) is an eight-year-old Clydesdale/Thoroughbred cross. The Clydesdale is a tall breed of draught horses from Scotland, made popular by the Budweiser Beer commercials. Braveheart is now our tallest horse and he has a huge heart. There is a softness about his demeanour despite his large size. He has these liquid eyes that invite you to relax and connect deeply with yourself. He is soft and quiet and loves a good belly massage – his head lowers to the ground in deep appreciation.
Braveheart is the most gentle horse we have met! This is remarkable based on his life history. Within our herd, we have rescued and rehabilitated a number of horses who become the ‘wounded healer’. These horses have special gifts to share with people through their individual life experiences. People resonate with particular horses that call to something similar in their soul.
We first heard of Prospero’s Braveheart when Jessica Fobert and Zoe Carter rescued him from a livestock auction in 2014. These auctions can be the last finish line for many horses. Free Rein created a video about his rehabilitation with Jessica- this was the second episode in the series of which Horse Spirit Connections was featured in the third episode. (Here’s a link to the full series!) Nursed back to health, Braveheart went to a ‘horse sanctuary’ and heartbreakingly needed to be rescued again in 2016. When he first came to us Braveheart scored 1 out of 9 on the body condition score. This magnificent horse has survived incredible odds to join our healing team.
When Braveheart came to us he was withdrawn, shielding his bruised heart as he focused inward to heal on all levels and did not want to engage with people when they came to meet the horses in our barn. So we gave him space to just be a horse. In a FEEL session, Meet the Herd is the first contact with our horse teachers, enabling the horses and people to choose who they wish to connect with. After 3 months, Braveheart started to show us that he was ready to engage. Now Braveheart is a ‘big hit’ – he is so soft and loving. He gently places his giant head close to a person’s chest, breathing into their pain, hence his new name, Braveheart.