Kara Van Slyke

252 Alder Rd
Ingersoll, ON, N5C 3Z2


Kara grew up in a household without animals but that did not stop her from developing a deep love and connection with animals.  She found that animals gave her a special feeling of tranquillity and peace.  Without having animals of her own, she found another way to get a similar feeling and stay connected to her emotions through creativity, especially through dance and knitting and sewing.  When knitting needles weren’t available at age 6 when she was determined to learn to knit, she went outside in search of two sticks that could be used as knitting needles.

At 18 she was accepted to Ryerson’s School of Fashion and continued her love to create beautiful things. Now living on her own, she adopted a stray cat at her first chance.  While at the library one day a book fell off the shelf and made her laugh with the author’s recounting of how cats have always communicated with him and they have always lied.  While at first, she thought the book was a parody, there was a part of her that wondered.

A few years later and Kara felt the pressures of a business-focused society and decided to redirect her studies and pursue a career in accounting.  After years of university and study, in 2009 Kara earned her CPA designation and was ready to enter the work world as a chartered accountant in a power suit and heels.  In this world of finance, Kara often found herself as one of the few women at the senior leadership table and quickly learned that to succeed meant she had to create a new persona while at work; one that was tougher and louder on the outside than she felt on the inside.  It was soon evident that this new exterior was leading her more and more away from herself and her true nature.

During this time, Kara felt lost and alone and decided to adopt a dog as her companion. Molly was her heart dog and her greatest cheerleader in removing her work exterior.  In trying to be the best dog mom she could be, she engaged an animal communicator to ask Molly what she needed and if she had any special wants/needs or messages for Kara.  Molly stated she “needs to work with us”.  And so Kara awakened to her journey as an animal communicator, despite her fear that all the cats would lie to her.

Kara continued her work to remove her work identity and work with the animals.  She also found the healing that could come from working with horses.  Kara started to find that animals and people alike were drawn to her to tell their story and she started to search for work to help people while working with animals.  It was after one of her own healing sessions with horses that the animals once again used another perfectly placed book.  But this time it was the horses that called to her providing inspiration to take the next step toward her dream of working with animals.  This time Kara didn’t hesitate to listen to the wisdom of the horses and in 2021 began her training to become a FEEL facilitator.  Knowing the animals were supporting her every step of the way, as they had for many years, Kara finally found the courage to make her way back to herself and step away from the corporate world.

She continues to be inspired, humbled and awed by the healing the horses have provided and wishes to bring the magical experience of horses to others so they may also find their way back home to themselves.  Kara believes honouring the wisdom of the horses and working from a place of kindness and sharing will allow those struggling with anxiety, depression, and difficult life changes to connect with their authentic selves and create well-being in their lives. 


FEEL Training Program

Now taking registrations for June 2016

Horse Spirit Connections
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