Horse Spirit Connections founded the FEEL (Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning)® Certification Program in 2008. FEEL is a leading-edge modality for developing human potential. Participants learn to create a horse-centered, experiential learning environment that supports personal growth. Throughout the training, prospective FEEL Practitioners gain self-knowledge and acquire skills and experience to develop their own FEEL programs where horses are valued for their roles as teachers and healers.
This comprehensive training program is suitable for coaches, educators, mental health professionals, equine specialists, wellness practitioners, and other individuals who are looking for practical training and experience in developing FEEL programs in the expanding field of equine guided healing.
Participants discover their unique gifts and innate talents as they find their niche in this emerging field.
Career – This is a new and exciting career path for wellness professionals
Certification – Certification provides national recognition, consumer confidence, and increases the marketability of your own FEEL programs.
Quality Education – Small class sizes impart personal attention. Experienced professionals share their extensive knowledge and expert skills.
Hands On – The trainings provides direct experience with the horses who will act as your guides and mentors throughout the process.
Post-Program Support – Applicants receive ongoing mentoring as needed throughout the program and lifetime mentoring following the completion of the certification process.
Community – At the conclusion of the program, become eligible to join our growing number of graduates in the FEEL Alumni Association.
The FEEL Certification Program is six months in duration. It consists of seventeen days of on-site instruction spread over three sessions. Many dynamic teachers, with an incredible array of knowledge, are present to support the journey.
During the six months, there will be individual and group assignments integral to a deeper understanding and first hand experience of this new modality. In between program sessions the participants are required to practice and complete assigned horse related activities and log their experiences. Practicum sessions are required with interested aquaintances. A program mentor is assigned to each participant for the duration of their training.