Tina Elisson

Na Lillåstrand 31 a

Cell :+46707892652
Email: underbaradu.tina@gmail.com
Website:  www.thehorseinyou.com

 Tina has been with horses throughout her life and started riding as a 7-year-old and has always been passionately in love with these amazing magical powerful animals, with their energy, power, strength and tremendous love and awareness. 

The horses have always been an important part of her life and they have taught her an incredible amount about life and have also taken her forward in her personal journey. The encounters with these beautiful creatures have constantly plagued her and when her one horse Madonna, (Tina’s soul horse) came into her life, she showed her that everything is possible, by being the magic that you are! Something that will forever be with her, the memories and events that the horse conveyed have made Tina choose to work with horses as a teacher and the program FEEL! 

And to bring this wonderful work forward and out in the world, so that more people can access it themselves, with the horses as the teachers. 

Tina is positive, happy and extremely stubborn. Where others often see problems, she loves to see opportunities and solutions. She enjoys living a full life every day and also sees every day as an opportunity or gift. Tina is educated in many different alternative methods and areas and has worked with health, wellness and personal development for many years. She is passionate about making every individual see themselves beyond their own so-called limitation and letting the horses work with you in a deep and healing way in which meeting soul to soul, occurs. To go beyond the roller and masks and access the one you are in a beautiful way. 

Are you ready to listen and seduced by the wisdom of a horse? The Horse In You. Welcome to contact me for your horse session.

 Tina Elisson Örebro / Sweden

Cert. FEEL Practioner





FEEL Training Program

Now taking registrations for June 2016

Horse Spirit Connections
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