Rewriting Your Story

Rewriting Your Story

Give yourself the gift of exploring and experiencing a new way of being
August 27 – 29, 2024

Two-Day Workshop

Most people have felt the impact of the past year or so, on many levels, leaving them feeling off balance and uncertain of how to move forward.  Learning how to live in an ever-changing landscape is challenging to negotiate and can leave you feeling disconnected from self, from heart, and possibly even from hope.

In this two-day workshop, we combine the wisdom of horses with earth-based or shamanic teachings to give you tools and experiences to better understand yourself, the world around you and how to be in balance in a changing world.

In FEEL (Facilitated Equine Experiential Learning)®  we partner with horses because they are instinctive and natural, mirroring or reflecting where you are at in any given moment.  Horses have a unique way of bringing you back to yourself.  They meet you without judgment or an agenda, and they teach you how to live in the moment.  Through their wisdom, you can reconnect with your heart, understand the emotions you’ve been experiencing and what they’re really trying to tell you.  All of this is done experientially – learning by doing with reflection and engaging you in mind, body and spirit.

Shamanic teachings provide new ways of perceiving both yourself and the world around you, helping to shift perspectives in a manner that can help you be in balance as things change.  Together with the horses, this can help you embody a balanced way of walking out in the world.

Benefits of this workshop:

  • Returning to a heartfelt sense of being
  • Connecting your heart, mind and spirit
  • Understanding the message behind emotions
  • Experience a new way of standing in your circle
  • Learn and practice tools to use in your everyday life

Give yourself the gift of exploring and experiencing a new way of being, helping you navigate a new balance with yourself and the world around you.

August 27 – 29, 2024
9:30am – 5:00pm daily

$750 (plus HST)
$175 non-refundable deposit holds your space.

Includes lunch, beverages and Snacks.

Register today as space is limited to 8 participants

Register Online
Personal Development
FEEL Certification

Working through the happiness worksheet was so enlightening and helpful!



FEEL Training Program

Starts November 6, 2024. Register today!

Horse Spirit Connections
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